Saturday June 23, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
140 Main Street Sundridge
Accessible Sensory Gardens
Katherine Rankin, former Coordinator or the Haldimand Abilities Centre, will discuss the potential applications of accessible gardens in community, long term care, and inter-generational programming.
The Haldimand Abilities Centre created an Accessible Garden that would welcome and bring together people of all ages and abilities in their rural community.
Gardens are living works of art.
Accessible gardens are living therapeutic experiences.
Using the principles of universal design, gardens can create unique
sensory experiences accessible to everyone in the community.
Admission: $10
Join us for this unique opportunity to learn about Accessible Sensory Gardens.
Presented by Kathrine Rankin, former Coordinator of the Haldimand Abilities Centre and Manager of Education and Excercise Programs of the Alzheimer Societies of Holdimand Norfolk, Brant, and Hamilton Halton. She has worked as a Pschogeriatric Resource Consultant supporting progressive programs in the community and Long Term Care Homes.
The Haldimand Abilities Centre is a partnership of the Alzheimer Society of Haldimand Norfolk, Brain Injury Services, and CNIB Outreach Program. The Centre offers supportive programs and services to individuals aging with chronic disease or disability as well as the general public.
In 2010, recognizing the tremendous benefits of horticulture, the Centre set out to create an Accessible Sensory Garden that would welcome everyone of all ages and abilities in their rural community. The Garden ensures that all are able to benefit from the physical, mental and social benefits of gardening. The concepts of the Accessible Sensory Garden can be transferred to other communities, retirement and long term care facilities, and youth and inter-generational venues.
Katherine will outline the project's mission and plans, steps and funding, experts consulted, and the challenges and successes of the project.